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Life is a Journey
I wanna keep going on, Starting out on the Journey


Lynette S.

Republic Polytechnic
Diploma in Biotechnology

Photography is what i LOVE ♥

I'm friendly and i don't bite :D

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"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


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Thomas PeiChee Jiaxin Ruyi
Cheryl ShokChen Joslyn MeiShan

Chantel HaoJun Nicole Sharmaine
Syaheed YangSing

Daphne Jolene
Joey Kimberley Selina Terence

Cherilyn HuiXin XinYi

Amanda AmandaLim Clarice Cynthia
Daphne Eileena Ernest Geoffery
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Martin Nadiah Nevin Rachel
RebeccaTan Sarah Sheryl TiongTeck
Valerie WeiLiang ZhiLin ZhiHui



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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

 Outcasters (:

i can't remember exactly why we called ourselves that,
but well who cares! :D

With you guys around, i'm happy just being me!

Hey there! 

Yup, i know that i've not been updating often. HAHA.
I've been a little busy with lesson and UTs like these few days. :/

Oh well, I've been in a foul mood these days, even though they're not showing, but, yeah :/

I feel that some people take me for granted. just because i'm nice.
i meant like, i have high tolerance level,
but that doesn't mean you people can take me for granted.
i'm not a toy to be played with. i'm not something to be used.
Please, when you guys need me, i'm sure i was there for you.
but what happens when i actually need YOU?

Okay, i think i should state this really clear,
whether or not you're gonna see this. i'm gonna say it.

Dear friend,

Have you ever thought of my feelings? 
What would you do, if you have a friend whom you wanna bring along on a outing.
because you think that since you're my good friends why not just know each other?
and i actually say "i don't care who she is la, doesn't make any contributions to my life -.-"
Can you imagine how i felt at that moment?
YES! she might not be making any contributions to your life NOW,
but you will never know what will happen in future. 
furthermore, what's wrong with knowing someone new? 
though i know what kinda person you are. Still, it don't harm you.

And again. friend. YOU are the one, who HATES people who doesn't reply messages.
and YES! i know that very clearly. 
BUT why are you doing the same thing to me? 
just because i'm nice, and you know that i won't get angry?
you can reply msges from some people within SECONDS! but why not mine? 
when you needed my help, i was there, but why! when i needed yours, you're always missing?

Here's another one, dear friend. 
You know what kinda person i am, and yes i usually don't initiate talks.  

i don't care if you think i'm jealous of you or whatever things you can think of.
but i can say that, i am not jealous. I'm just sick and tired of all these.
Why do you only talk to me when you needed me? 
when you have a partner to keep you company, you don't look for me. 
but when you don't, that's when you start looking for me.
before all these, you would talk to me as and when you like.
but now, for the whole night, not a single word.

Yes, you may be asking, why don't i talk to you?
that's because, i know you're distracted,
and well, things we talk about are getting lesser..

Well, the bonds between BEST FRIENDS depends on both party. Right?

Whether or not there's gonna be any changes, its up to you.
I'm honestly quite disappointed in you.
I don't know why. But, sometimes things you do disgust me. 
I'm being honest because, i care, and i still treat you as my best friend.
If you're gonna hate me or what so ever, by all means.

I think i've tolerated enough, if you were me, i think things wouldn't be the same.
Its tiring to do all these, just to accommodate you. 
do you understand?

With love,


okay, its a little emotional up there, but yeah, i just wanna vent it all out. :/
Its late.

I look forward to having BREAKFAST with outcasters @ mac tmr morning,
and i look forward to oovoo-ing in class with THEM too :D

Things are changing, even you, and i.
do you understand me?


♥ our lips must always be sealed
1:22 AM

Saturday, April 17, 2010


But unfortunately, my DAD don't allow :( 
im gonna bug them for this! (Y)

dive dive dive dive dive! ♥

okay, so yesterday was the first time i experience working after a long day in school, 
i was dead tired after my shower :/
oh well, i guess i'll just have to tolerate and SURVIVE! (teehee)
First day in school was, weird? haha, but lucky enough, i had a friend :D
i guess i'll be able to study well in class? :/ (i have to)
No matter what! I WILL! hehe, my motivation? to be able to study overseas! (Y)

i have to survive till MAY! for my pay to come :( 
there's so many things i wanna do. i'm gonna start savinggggggg!

Had dinner with my lovely clique to celebrate PEICHEE's birthday.
at our ALL-TIME-FAVOURITE place, some fish steamboat near FATTY's place. (hahaha)
It was certainly great spending time with ALL of them :/
we all missed the time we had in secondary school i guess. that's ♥ :D
okay, i'm done, im gonna write notes for what i've learn for MICROBIO :/
its gonna be tough this year. I'm gonna put in whatever effort i have! to IMPROVE!! (Y)

OH! and not forgetting, PRETTIEST CHERYL! we still need to accomplish our SECRET MISSION!
Goodbye! ♥

To me,
The best thing in life, is not about being the best.
its just because, i've few bunches of really GREAT friends!
whether we have conflicts and quarrels, laughter and joy.
i love you guys! ♥ :D

♥ our lips must always be sealed
11:57 AM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm gonna save up so that i can travel around the world in future! :D
whether its alone, or accompanied! i still will!

Hello peeps!

Its about time i update, i guess. haha
Firstly, my mum's back from Japan! (Y)
I don't have to iron my own uniform again! :x (hehe)

Oh well, was supposed to go out with my lovely sem1 clique today, 
but it was cancelled or rather postponed, because of not having full attendance.
I guess we'll have to find time to go out together again! :D

Botanical garden with Outcasters the other day, was great.
despite the extremely hot weather, i think we enjoyed ourselves a lot! (thumbs up up up!)
School's gonna start in 2 days, and i'm still sleeping/waking up late. 
this is terrible, i wonder how am i gonna survive when school starts!
Oh! talking about school, my off day is on Thursday! and i'm having 4 different classes :/
but lucky for me, i have 2 that i know, so it shouldn't be that bad (hopefully).

Oh yes! i did 2 cheesecakes, the first time was successful, it was delicious :D
but the second time, it was too soft :/ it melts when its out of the fridge :/
more tries next time! (haha)

so tmr is actually the official last day of my holidays, and i start my Year 2 in RP.
I've got to buck up if i wanna fulfill my wish! (getting into a local U)
But of course, im spending my 'last day' with my BELOVED clique :D (Y)
I looked forward to tomorrow! and hope that it'll be fun! 
Please don't rain! so that we can fly a kite! (which is my first time :/)
hahaha, okay! its time for bed! 
i wanna wake up early tomorrow to go for a swim with Cheryl and Joslyn!
Cheryl Choo J.L! remember our secret MISSION okay! (hehehehe)

I feel disappointed in some of the things you do.
I believe everyone was looking forward to it, but you let us down. 
do you ever understand why?
Isit still the same? or rather, Will it still be the same...

Toodles! i'm off!

♥ our lips must always be sealed
11:32 PM